Free IPod from Eddie Joe's blog
"well not really. but it illustrates a point. we tend to believe
everything we see or hear. the internet is like what newspapers are, if
it is in print then it must be true. i got a email once about the moon
going to be the closest to earth it had been in 20,000 years or so. it
was to appear to be twice as big on this given night. i looked it up
and found the event had already happened several years before. it is a
good thing i wasnt sitting outside staring up at the moon. i wouldnt
have been alone though.
the same is true in indian country. we believe everything we hear.
sometimes it is only rumor or gossip. but by the 10th retelling of it,
it is accepted as truth. i guess we have 'to consider the source'.
often if a rumor turns out to be totally false, no one will go back and
correct it. the first lie is accepted over the truth. indians have been
lied to so many times, that they just accept lies sometimes.
the republican majority in kansas defeated a measure by the
democrats to raise the minimum wage to $5.15 an hour. kansas has the
nations lowest legal minimum wage at $2.65 per hour. it hasnt changed
in 20 years. even though the increase would nearly double the minimum
wage, one house member said it 'wouldnt significantly improve the lives
of low income kansans.' another said 'at the end of the day, youre not
making an impact' and that 'this is just a feel good piece.' maybe the
legislature ought to give kansans the kind of deal they have. work part
time, get full time pay then retire for life with all the bennies.
i am just getting over being sick. was down for a few days. the only
fun thing about being sick is the cough syrup they are making nowadays.
i remember the old indians around here. when they would get sick, they
would say 'no need to clean chickens yet.' that was in reference to the
custom of preparing chickens for the funeral. they would be saying dont
bury me yet, i am alright. i liked their sense of humor.
speaking of chickens, mine are starting to lay eggs again. they
stopped during the real cold snap we had. the snow has pretty much
melted now. the weatherman predicts it will snow again this weekend. i
hope my wood supply lasts the duration of what is left of winter."